Cross Country.


“Mom, I think I want to drive home.” 

Did you know you have 30 thoughts a second?  And that’s what they can measure.  Could me more.  Probably is more. So when Hunter said that to me one wintery Sunday afternoon … and mind you that means South Carolina to California, aka cross country … I am sure I had way more than 30 thoughts!  Something along the lines of, "are you kidding me?  Oh, I did that. Not by yourself.  Will it be safe?  What if you have car trouble?  Oh, wait, it's a new car.  No stopping at rest stops after dark.  What fun!  Think of all the places you'll see you've never seen.  Gotta do Nashville.  Can you see family along the way?  Thank goodness for cell phones!  And Find My Friends!"  You get the picture.  And that's just 13 thoughts! Like 1/3 of what was actually consuming my consciousness!  Let's not even go to the unconscious!

So, honestly, I probably would not have asked my parents. But Hunter, being Hunter, had an excel spreadsheet with plans A, B and C.  Seriously, how could you say no to that?  And, I thought, what an incredible life experience.  So, I took all those "too many to count thoughts," embraced the ones that caused me pause and said, “great idea!”

Fast forward to 10:41am, this past Sunday, when she and Noah set out for Ft. Collins, Colorado ... via Nashville, St. Louis, Iowa City, Omaha and Cheyenne. (And if Noah is lucky, a lunch stop for a steak in Nebraska!)

Lots of state borders to cross, lots of pictures and lots of silent prayers, on my part.  Oh, and you ask about the coffee? Traveling with her Nespresso and cream, just in case!